Virgo new moon is here on August 25. If you were born near 25th date of any month, you may get impact of it. It may be in form of practical thinking, cleaning, and systematic living. It falls within 2.5º of the royal star of Regulus. Attached to the Yod is Venus/ Lilith in tight square to Mars/Saturn. It’s time to take better care of your physical well-being including your environment.The New Moon in Virgo brings attention to the details and listening to one’s conscience or rather the wise voice from Soul and putting the guidance into practical application in some form. The New Moon phase suggests a wonderful opportunity to fine tune the emotional level, subconscious and habitual tendencies. Yoga and meditation work in harmony, and this can be supportive under the New Moon in Virgo. Use the conflict as a reference for expanding awareness rather than a criticism.
The New Moon in Virgo makes an ‘Opposition’ to Neptune in Pisces retrograde.Just before new moon in earth sign, eclipse hits at an Francisco Bay area.
Mars-Saturn are in intense Scorpio. Global political situation worries me. India-Pak are in cold war on border. Russia -Ukraine are in threat mode. Mars & Saturn are known for male ego. Clashes are possible. Venus is making square with this aspect. In case
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Astrology week-August 25, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
8 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
- It is difficult to get rid of belly fat but we found ways to eliminate belly fat forever.
1. Start your day with lemon juice This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch.
2. Stay off from white rice Replace white rice with various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.
3. Avoid sugary substances Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.
4. Drink plenty of water If you want to get rid of your belly, then drink suffici
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
10 Good Habits To Develop An Innovative Mind
If I could sum it all up, creativity is really about being able to see associations when others couldn’t. Being innovative, on the other hand, is about coming up with something others have not thought of. Whether is it inventing a new product or coming up with solutions to a problem, innovativeness requires creativity because one has to be capable of connecting abstract ideas and facts with existing scenarios before creating something unique and different.
Granted, we are all wired differently (some of us are blessed with the natural inclination towards innovativeness and creativity), but this doesn’t mean that we cannot do anything to stretch the limits of our creative minds.
As Thomas Edison puts it, there is work to be done day in, day out before we
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Astrology week-August 18, 2014
Condition in Iraq is very pathatic. US interfernce has reduce tension. Nouri al-Maliki (june 20) has left and give way to new Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi. It is now Abadi's responsibility to bring down pressure.
Pakistan is having internal political conflict between Imran Khan (25 Nov - Sagittarius) and Nawaz Sharif (25- Dec - Capricorn). It is popular conflict between people born 30 degree apart. In India too Modi (17 -Sep) and Arvind Kejriwal (16-August) have political revelry.
Neptune is still in tough angle with Jupiter. Ebola virus is new threat to the world. Doctors are working tirelessly to bring it in control.
The minor cycle is building up into the Venus-Jupiter conjunction of August 18. The larger cycle is building up into the August 25-29 conjunction of Mars-Saturn, squared by Venus, followed by the Sun-Neptune opposition. The first is peace and agreements; the second is more akin to conflict and war, unless there is a foundations of trust that is honored by all sides.
Mars and Saturn join hands (and they don’
Monday, August 18, 2014
*গুগলের কিছু মজার ফিচার*
সার্চ ইঞ্জিন হিসেবে গুগলের খ্যাতি জগতজোড়া৷ বলা যায়, সার্চ সেবায় একক আধিপত্য এই প্রতিষ্ঠানটির৷ কিন্তু আমরা গুগল সার্চ কতটা ব্যবহার করি? এখানে পাবেন এমন কিছু অসাধারণ আর মজার ফিচারের কথা যা অনেকেই হয়তো জানেন না৷
১. টাইমারের কথাই ধরুন৷ ঘড়ি কিংবা মোবাইল ব্যবহারের দরকার কী? গুগল ডটকমের সার্চ বক্সে ইংরেজিতে লিখুন “সেট টাইমার ৩০ মিনিটস” ত্রিশ এর জায়গায় অন্য কোনো সংখ্যাও দিতে পারেন৷ এরপর গুগলই আপনার টাইমার হিসেবে কাজ করবে৷
১. টাইমারের কথাই ধরুন৷ ঘড়ি কিংবা মোবাইল ব্যবহারের দরকার কী? গুগল ডটকমের সার্চ বক্সে ইংরেজিতে লিখুন “সেট টাইমার ৩০ মিনিটস” ত্রিশ এর জায়গায় অন্য কোনো সংখ্যাও দিতে পারেন৷ এরপর গুগলই আপনার টাইমার হিসেবে কাজ করবে৷
২. আচ্ছা, আপনি কি রেস্তোরাঁয় খেতে গেলে বখশিশ দেন? জার্মানিতে কিন্তু বখশিশের ব্যাপারটা বেশ প্রচলিত৷ সাধারণত খাবারের যে বিল হয় তার ১০ শতাংশ হিসেব করে বখশিশ দেয়া হয়৷ এখন আবার অঙ্ক কষতে বসার দরকার নেই৷ তার চেয়ে গুগলের কাছে যান এবং সার্চ বক্সে ইংরেজিতে লিখুন “টিপ ক্যালকুলেটর৷”
বিয়ের আগে না বলুন
আমাদের দেশে বিয়ে একটি সামাজিক এবং ধর্মীয় বন্ধন একইসঙ্গে এটি শারীরিক সম্পর্কের অনুমতি দেয়। কিন্তু পাশ্চ্যাত্যের দেশগুলোতে লিভ টুগেদার ব্যাপকভাবে প্রচলিত থাকলেও আমাদের দেশে এটি সমাজ স্বীকৃতি দেয় না। বর্তমানে অনেক নারী-পুরুষ রয়েছেন যারা প্রেম করে কিংবা বাগদানের পর আধুনিকতার নামে শারীরিক সম্পর্ক করে থাকেন। বিয়ের আগে শারীরিক সম্পর্কের ফলে দেখা দেয় নানা রকমের সমস্যা।
পাঁচ ধরণের নারীর সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক নয়
মানুষের জীবনে অনেক বড় সমস্য তৈরি করতে পারে সম্পর্ক। সেই সম্পর্কে গড়ার আগে তাই একটু বাবনা চিন্তার দরকার। কোন নারীর সঙ্গে স্পর্কে জড়াবেন আর কার সঙ্গে জড়াবেন না, তাও একটু জানা দরকার।
মোটামুটি পাঁচ ধরণের নারীর সঙ্গে সম্পর্কে না জড়োনোর পরামর্ম দেয়া হয়। ওই পাঁ ধরণের নারী সম্পর্কে জেনে নিন-
বন্ধুর সাবেক প্রেমিকা
বন্ধুর সাবেক প্রেমিকার সঙ্গে ভুলে
বন্ধুর সাবেক প্রেমিকার সঙ্গে ভুলে
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
He Stopped Watching Porn. This Is Why?
What we feed our minds shape our perceptions. And our perceptions shape our reality.
I have come to realize this not only by observing how the media and entertainment industry influences humanity as a whole, but I have also noticed this in my own consciousness. Thoughts and beliefs in relation to gender identity and “beauty” standards that I have never had throughout my childhood have been implanted in my brain as I began paying at
Robin Williams Dies of Suspected Suicide
Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams has died at age 63.
An investigation into the cause of the death is under way, but "the Sheriff’s Office Coroner Division suspects the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia." A forensic examination is scheduled for Tuesday, along with a press conference that will be held at 11 a.m. in San Rafael, Calif.According to police in Marin County, California, Williams was found "unconscious and not breathing" just before noon Tuesday inside his home in Tiburon, Calif., following a 911 phone call. He was pronounced dead at 12:02 p.m. after emergency personnel arrived. They added that the actor was last seen alive at 10 p.m. Sunday
Monday, August 11, 2014
Astrology week-August 11
We are just out of amazing full moon of August 10 in Aquarius. Except next week as cool week except JUpiter and Neptune quincux. WOrld is burning at least in Gaza and Iraq. On Thursday night, President Obama announced that the USA may launch air strikes in Iraq.Then on Friday, a report from Russia’s Interfax reported that Russia has now “… ended ‘military exercises’ near the Ukrainian border,” and will now pull those forces back, according to Reuters. At around the same time, the USA began launching airstrikes against ISIS.
Neptune is very prominent. Ebola virus is creating panic in Africa. 39 Dead, 33 Lakh Affected as Floods in Orissa India. These news are signature of Neptune.
The minor cycle is building up into the Venus-Jupiter conjunction of August 18. The larger cycle is building up into the August 25-29 conjunction of Mars-Saturn, squared by Venus, followed by the Sun-Neptune opposition. The first is peace and agreements; the second is more akin to conflict and war, unless there is a foundations of trust that is honored by all sides.
Mars and Saturn join hands (and they don’t even like to touch) August 25, followed by Venus in square to both on August 26-27. Venus represents the principle of attraction and agreements, but in square to both Mars and Saturn, agreements are in short supply and attraction can quickly give way to repulsion.Sun in opposition to Neptune on August 29. For anyone who has planets in 5-7 degrees of Gemini or Sagittarius, this can be a time of a tremendous feeling of betrayal involving others – either them towards you or you towards them.
কারা এই ইয়াজিদি
সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে ইরাকের সশস্ত্র বিদ্রোহী সংগঠন ইসলামিক স্টেট বা আইএস ( সংগঠনটি প্রথমে আইএসআইএল নামে আত্মপ্রকাশ করে) এর কারণে ‘ইয়াজিদি’ সম্প্রদায়টির নাম গণমাধ্যমে বারবার আসছে। সম্প্রতি উত্তর ইরাকের শিনজার পর্বতে প্রায় ৪০ হাজার ইয়াজিদিকে আটকে রাখে আইএস সদস্যরা। সেখান থেকে বের হলে আইএসের গুলিতে মৃত্যু আর আটকে থাকলে ক্ষুধা তৃষ্ণায় মৃত্যু এ রকম দ্বিমুখী চাপের মধ্যে ছিল সম্প্রদায়ের মানুষগুলো। এ রকম অবস্থায় সম্প্রদায়টির ৫০টি শিশুর মৃত্যু হয়েছে। এ ঘটনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতেেই উত্তর ইরাকে আইএসকে লক্ষ্য করে বিমান হামলা চালানো শুরু করে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র। আসলে কারা এই ইয়াজিদি, কী এদের পরিচয়? তাদের প্রতি কথিত সুন্নি বিদ্রোহীদের ক্ষোভের কারণটাই বা কী?
Supermoon and Perseids meteor shower offer divine heavenly show
A dramatic supermoon is set to accompany this year's Perseid meteor shower, one of the most anticipated events on the skywatcher's calendar.
Given a dark, clear sky in a normal year, it is common to see more than 100 of the meteors an hour during the second week in August. But this year the Perseids have a bright shining rival. On Sunday, two days before the meteor shower reaches its peak, the moon will become full.
Coincidentally, it will also have reached the point in its orbit that is closest to the Earth, kn
Thursday, August 7, 2014
25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening
There is no doubt the Earth is evolving spiritually. People are experiencing intense changes within their life, work, behaviors and personal relationships. Many are awakening at a rate that can only be described as phenomenal. So how do we know if we are awakening? Here are 25 common characteristics you may find in yourself and others.
Some of you may experience things not on this list and I encourage you to share your experiences in the comments below. We are all unique and many of us are experiencing
16 Signs That Say You May Be Magnesium Deficient & What To Do About It
Yesterday marked the third time in the last month that I had overheard someone being diagnosed with a magnesium deficiency. The interesting thing is that in all three scenarios (my own included) the symptoms that each individual was exhibiting to prove the deficiency were completely different from one another. Needless to say, this made me curious and led me down a bit of a rabbit hole in further understanding what exactly magnesium is and how it plays a role in our overall health.
What Is Magnesium?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Alternative Sleep Cycles: 7-10 Hours Are Not Needed
The average person requires 7-10 hours of sleep per night according to the National Sleep Foundation. But is it possible that using different sleep cycles, where the benefits of sleep are still achieved, we can sleep less? Much less?
finger symbol
This Chart and Techniques for Hand Reflexology and Massage of Meridian points shows us where and how to use our own personal power and take charge of our health.
Meridians are a set of pathways in the body along which vital energy is said to flow.. and massage and pressure to these points can open the flow of energy throughout our bodies.. and allow for healing and maintaining a healthy physical.. mental and energetic body.
You may use all these techniques in one session, or just one technique, e.g. Pressing, or two techniques, e.g. Rubbing and Pressing.
Meridians are a set of pathways in the body along which vital energy is said to flow.. and massage and pressure to these points can open the flow of energy throughout our bodies.. and allow for healing and maintaining a healthy physical.. mental and energetic body.
You may use all these techniques in one session, or just one technique, e.g. Pressing, or two techniques, e.g. Rubbing and Pressing.
10 Job Interview Questions You Should Ask
Many job seekers focus so hard on answering interview questions well that they forget something very important: You are there to ask questions, too.
Asking the right questions at an interview is important for two reasons:
First, when done correctly, the questions you ask confirm your qualifications as a candidate for the position.
১০ টি পথে একটিবার হাঁট
আমাদের শহরের রাস্তাগুলোতে হাঁটার সময় নাকমুখ কুঁচকে হাঁটেন না এমন মানুষ খুব কমই পাওয়া যাবে। দূষিত পরিবেশ এবং একেবারেই ভাঙাচোরা রাস্তায় পায়ে হাঁটা বেশ মুশকিলের বৈকি। ইদানীং দূষণের ছোঁয়া লেগে গিয়েছে গ্রামের পথগুলোতেও। পরিবেশ নষ্টের কারণে আগের সেই ছায়া ঢাকা সুনিবিড় পথ খুঁজে পাওয়াই দুষ্কর।
14 Ways To Create The Best Relationship Of Your Life
After 30 years of working with couples and researching how people repaired their relationships, I suddenly realized that we had really reached a pivotal moment; all our studies, stories, and the science had come together, and we were in the midst of a revolution—a new way of truly understanding romantic love. Finally we can grasp the laws of love—and they make sense!
more control over this riot of emotion than you think! What you understand, you can shape. The first step is to decide to learn about love and the new science of bonding.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
How Can Agile Scrum Reduce Regression During Software Development?
IT development companies, and organisations developing computer and
digital-devices (smartphones, tablets, digital diaries, etc.) software
projects, one of the most important, and also the most troublesome issue
is encountering “bugs” or defects in the code functionality when a
particular application, or a system, is deployed and used in a live
environment. Software bugs can be very common. Ever since computers were
designed in the yearly years, bugs have inadvertently, or otherwise,
kept on troubling coders and project managers, and have tested their
ingenuity to resolve them to the fullest extent possible. Ask any
seasoned programmer - He or she will tend to initially confer, and
eventually say that the word “Bug” is aptly named – It tends to “bug”
It’s Time We Retire The Statement “A Real Woman.” Isn’t It?
Do you see the image above?
Is it really portraying an unbiased message? Not really. In many cases
the new trend is to focus on the fact that we have become culturally
obsessed with skinny and slim that we for the most part do not
appreciate more curvy women. Then there are those on the other side that
say that curvy women are real women while skinny women are not. But is
this true
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