Virgo new moon is here on August 25. If you were born near 25th date of any month, you may get impact of it. It may be in form of practical thinking, cleaning, and systematic living. It falls within 2.5º of the royal star of Regulus. Attached to the Yod is Venus/ Lilith in tight square to Mars/Saturn. It’s time to take better care of your physical well-being including your environment.The New Moon in Virgo brings attention to the details and listening to one’s conscience or rather the wise voice from Soul and putting the guidance into practical application in some form. The New Moon phase suggests a wonderful opportunity to fine tune the emotional level, subconscious and habitual tendencies. Yoga and meditation work in harmony, and this can be supportive under the New Moon in Virgo. Use the conflict as a reference for expanding awareness rather than a criticism.
The New Moon in Virgo makes an ‘Opposition’ to Neptune in Pisces retrograde.Just before new moon in earth sign, eclipse hits at an Francisco Bay area.
Mars-Saturn are in intense Scorpio. Global political situation worries me. India-Pak are in cold war on border. Russia -Ukraine are in threat mode. Mars & Saturn are known for male ego. Clashes are possible. Venus is making square with this aspect. In case